File Download: 78-079



In Re

Complainant: Employee
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 79 – March 17, 1980

Board of Trustees: Harrison Combs, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee; Paul R. Dean, Trustee.

根据1950年美国联合煤矿工人福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条,并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了有关雇员个人是否有资格获得雇主的健康和其他非养老金福利的争议的事实和情况,并在此提出他们对此事的意见.

Background Facts

5月31日,雇主准予雇员休假, 1975年在UMWA任职. 他在UMWA的四年任期结束后, May 31, 1979, 该雇员寻求在雇主的分类工作中重新就业,但被告知他已被列入4月8日的裁员名单, 1979. 当雇员申请雇主计划下的健康福利时, 雇主以他不合格为由拒绝提供保险.


雇员是否符合资格享有雇主计划下的福利保障? If so, for what period?

Positions of the Parties

员工职位:(1)按照第二十条总则, Paragraph (4)1 of the NBCWA of 1978, 在3月27日之后被UMWA雇佣, 1978, is considered classified signatory employment; (2) Employees who last work for the UMWA and later qualify for a 1974 Plan Pension are provided health benefit coverage by the last coal industry employer; and (3) he had accrued sufficient hours after March 28, 1978年,在处于裁员状态时有权享受最大限度的医疗福利.

用人单位职务:按第三条规定, E(1)(c) of the Employer’s Plan, 在UMWA获得临时工作休假的雇员仍有资格获得在任何12个月内不超过120天的福利保险.

Pertinent Regulations

(1) Article III E(1)(c) 1. of Employer’s Benefit Plan.
(2) Article III E(1)(c) 3. of Employer’s Benefit Plan.
(3) 1978年NBCWA第17条(g)款.


不积极从事分类工作的雇员继续享受健康福利,由雇主福利计划第III E(b)条规定. 第三条E款第(1)项包括关于下岗职工的规定, 残疾员工和获准休假的员工. 因为在这种情况下,雇员最初并没有被解雇或残疾, but was granted a leave of absence, section (c) must be considered. This section contains three categories: 1-covering leaves granted to accept temporary employment with the UMWA; 2-covering maternity leave; and 3-leaves for any other reason.

The NBCWA of 1978, in Article XVII, Section (LLL), Leave of Absence, 为参加联合会活动和担任地区或国际官员或代表而准予休假作出规定, 并规定这些人员在休假期间应保留其年资并累积年资. 该条明确指出,“临时”工会任务是指不超过四个月的任务, 区别于“永久”工会任命人员和当选为妇女工会办公室的人员.


“在员工因任何其他原因获得批准的休假期间, 该雇员的健康资格, vision care, 休假期间,停止办理人身意外死亡保险和伤残保险.”

尽管雇主福利计划在批准休假时尚未生效, 雇员作为福利保障被暂停的身份自本计划成立之日起生效, March 27, 1978, 是根据1978年的NBCWA成立的吗, Upon the expiration of his term, May 31, 1979, 该雇员的状态恢复为被解雇雇员的状态, 自从他在4月8日被列入裁员名单以来, 1979, As a laid off Employee, 他有资格继续享受保险, under Article III E(1)(a), 根据上次工作日期前24个月内为雇主工作的小时数计算.

In making this determination, 雇员在最后一次为雇主工作之前的24个月内为雇主工作的小时数, May 31, 1975, will be controlling. If he worked 2000 or more hours, 他将有资格获得4月30日之前的保险, 1580; if he worked between 500 and 2000 hours, 他将在10月31日之前获得资格, 1979; if he worked less than 500 hours, his eligibility will end as of May 8, 1979.

Opinion of the Trustees

受托人认为,自6月1日起,雇员有资格享受雇主计划下的福利保障, 1979 and continuing for 30 days, 6 months, or 12 months, 视乎他在自6月1日起的24个月内为雇主工作的时数而定, 1973 through May 31, 1975.