File Download: 78-333




原告: Surviving Spouse
被申请人: 雇主
ROD案例编号: 333 – November 28, 1983

Board of Trustees: Harrison Combs, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee; Paul R. 迪恩,受托人.

根据美国联合煤矿工人1950年福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了这一争议的事实和情况,该争议涉及雇主是否根据雇主福利计划的条款负责为未亡配偶提供健康和死亡福利,并在此就此事发表意见.

Background Facts

The Complainant’s husband worked for the Respondent from July 22, 1980 to August 8, 1980, when he was laid off. He attained age 55 on September 22, 1981. Because he had not been recalled by the Respondent, 他申请了1974年美国联合煤矿工人养老金计划的养老金. His application was approved effective October 1, 1981. He died on October 22, 1981.

申诉人有资格领取并一直领取1974年养恤金信托皇冠搏彩中心网站的未亡配偶抚恤金, effective November 1, 1981. 被投诉人未向投诉人支付2美元的人寿保险金,500 nor has it provided her with health benefits coverage.


Is the Respondent responsible for the payment of the $2,500美元的人寿保险津贴和为申诉人提供的健康福利?

Positions of the Parties



Pertinent Provisions


Article I – Definitions

The following terms shall have the meanings herein set forth:

(1) “雇主” means (name of company).

(2)“工资协议”指1981年《官方网站》, as amended from time to time, and any successor agreement….

(5)“养老金领取者”系指领取养老金的任何人, 除了(i)基于少于20年的累计服务的递延既得退休金或, (ii)全部或部分根据1974年养恤金计划第ii G条的规定记入的服务年数的养恤金, or any corresponding paragraph of any successor thereto, under the 1974 Pension Plan (or any successor thereto), whose last classified signatory employment was with the 雇主, subject to the provisions of Article II B of this Plan.


Article II B, (1)(a)(b) and E. (2) of the 雇主’s Benefit Plan provide:

Article II – Eligibility


B. 养老金领取者


(1) 任何退休金领取者,在

(a) 根据1974年养恤金计划领取养恤金者的最初退休日期;及

(b) 6月7日, 1981, shall be eligible for coverage as a Pensioner under, and subject to all other provisions of this Plan. 尽管本计划第i(5)条对退休金领取人的定义有(i)及(ii)项规定, 在12月5日符合1974年福利计划下领取养老金资格的任何此类养老金领取者, 1977, shall be eligible for such benefits, subject to all other provisions of this Plan…

E. 已故雇员或退休人员的尚存配偶及受养人

第III条规定的健康福利应提供给(i)任何未婚尚存的配偶(在雇员或养老金领取者死亡之前与雇员或养老金领取者生活在一起或由其抚养)和(ii)该配偶的未婚尚存的受抚养子女,如D段第(2)和(5)项所定义, of an Employee or Pensioner who died: …


第三条B. (2)(a)雇主福利计划,该计划在相关部分规定:

Article III – Benefits

B. Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

(2) 养老金领取者

Upon the death of a Pensioner, as described in Article II, 部分B, 人寿保险应按下列金额一次性支付给养老金领取人的指定受益人:



(6) 养老金 For Surviving Spouses

The 1974 Pension Plan provides for Surviving Spouse pensions. 合资格的未亡配偶的福利将按下列规定发放:

(a) If, on or after the effective date of this Agreement, 工作矿工死亡(不论原因),本有资格立即领取养恤金。如果矿工在死亡之日退休,其未亡配偶将有资格领取相当于矿工本应领取养恤金50%的养恤金, and will receive this pension until death. 这类未亡配偶将有权保留保健服务卡,直至死亡或再婚, subject to the $500 earnings limit.

(b) Upon the death of a pensioner, 但服务少于20年的递延既得退休金领取者除外, 这类养恤金领取者的未亡配偶将领取相当于养恤金领取者养恤金50%的养恤金,直至死亡. 这类未亡配偶将有权保留保健服务卡,直至死亡或再婚, subject to the $500 earnings limit.


雇主福利计划第二条规定,应向养恤金领取者的未亡配偶提供健康福利. 除了, 雇主福利计划第三条规定,应一次性向领取退休金者的指定受益人支付2美元,500 as a life insurance benefit. 虽然申诉人的丈夫在收到1974年美国煤矿工人联合养恤金计划的养恤金支票之前就去世了, he was determined to have been a pensioner effective October 1, 1981, approximately three weeks prior to his death. 投诉人自11月1日起有资格领取未亡配偶津贴, 1981 and has been receiving that benefit since that date.

由于已故退休人士的最后签署人是受雇于答辩人, and the Complainant is eligible for a Surviving Spouse benefit, 被投诉人负责为投诉人提供人寿保险福利和健康福利.

Opinion of the Trustees
