File Download: 81-386



In Re

Complainant: Employee
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 81-386 – May 29, 1984

Board of Trustees: Harrison Combs, Chairman; John J. O’Connell, Trustee; Paul R. Dean, Trustee.

根据美国联合煤矿工人1950年福利计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站第九条, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, 受托人审查了这一争议的事实和情况. 争议涉及作为工会安全委员会成员的“服务时数”作为“工作时数”的应用,以确定雇主根据雇主福利计划的条款为被解雇雇员继续提供保险的期限. The Trustees hereby render their opinion on the matter..

Background Facts

投诉人是对被投诉人矿山具有管辖权的当地工会的主席. Because of vacancies on the Union Mine Safety Committee, 申诉人声称,他在必要时担任安全委员会委员, 并作为当地工会的代表陪同联邦矿山检查员. The Complainant does not claim, nor is there any evidence to show, 被投诉人支付了他根据第三条从事安全委员会工作的报酬, Section (d), 1981年《皇冠搏彩中心网站》第(6)、(7)条. 此外,1981-1983年期间没有向皇冠搏彩中心网站报告“工时”.

申诉人提交了一份当地工会工资记录的抄本,表明他的工资超过1美元,000 hours of union duties during 1981 and 1982. 报告没有列出安全委员会委员或其他职务的工作时数.

The Respondent reported 1,在3月1日期间,投诉人的工作时间为626小时, 1981, through February 28, 1983. The Complainant was laid off on March 11, 1983, 并由答辩人提供延续到9月30日的保险, 1983, based on 500 or more, but less than 2,000, hours worked.



Positions of the Parties

投诉人代表的立场:他有权继续享受12个月的福利保障, as he worked more than 2,000 hours in the twenty-four month period prior to his layoff.

被投诉人的立场:雇主的福利计划并未规定投诉人为其当地工会所做的工作应被计入被投诉人的工作. 申诉人获得了按其工作时间计算的继续保险.

Pertinent Provisions


Article I – Definitions


(1) “Employer” means (coal company)

(2) “工资协议”指1981年《皇冠搏彩中心》, as amended from time to time and any successor agreement.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, eligible to receive benefits hereunder.

Article III D. (1)(a) of the Employer’s Benefit Plan provides:

Article III – Benefits

D. General Provisions

(1) Continuation of coverage

(a) Layoff

If an Employee ceases work because of layoff, continuation of health, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险的保险范围如下:

Numbers of Hours Worked for
the Employer in the 24
Consecutive Calendar Month
Period Immediately Prior to Period of Coverage
the Employee’s Date Last Continuation from the
Worked Date Last Worked

2,000 or more hours Balance of month plus

12 months

500 or more but less than Balance of month plus
2,000 hours 6 months

Less than 500 hours 30 days

Article III, Section (d)(1), (6), 1981年《皇冠搏彩中心网站》第7条规定:

Article III – Health and Safety

Section (d) Mine Health and Safety Committee

(1) 每个矿山都应有一个矿山健康与安全委员会,由该矿山雇用的具有采矿经验或培训资格并由当地工会选出的矿工组成. 地方工会应将委员会成员名单通知雇主. 委员会在任何时候都应被视为在适用的工人赔偿法意义上的他们在矿山的雇佣范围内行事.

(6) 矿山管理层和矿山健康与安全委员会应每月在各方安排的时间举行会议,审查预防矿山事故的工作, 讨论矿山事故,解决矿山健康安全问题. 为解决安全问题,任何一方均可召开特别会议.

(7) 雇主应负责支付委员会成员履行下列职责的报酬:

(i) 定期视察整个矿山及其与管理有关的地面设施,并由雇主和委员会共同商定, but in no case any less often than every three months. 雇主应负责在每三个月期间按其正常工资率支付每位委员一次轮班,以履行本款规定的职责.

(ii) 委员会成员在第(6)款规定的每月与雇主举行联合会议时,应按其正常的直工时工资支付至多两小时的工资。.



The Complainant worked less than 1,在被申请人最后一次工作日期前的24个月内,他从事了700小时的机密工作. 尽管申诉人声称,他也花时间履行矿山健康和安全委员会成员的职责, and asserts that such time is includable as hours worked, 没有证据表明他在履行这些职责时花费了多少小时. 受托人因此得出结论,答辩人仅负责根据记录的工作时间继续提供福利, in accordance with the schedule set forth in Article III D.

Opinion of the Trustees

受托人认为,被投诉人不负责在9月30日之后继续为投诉人提供保险, 1983.