



原告: 员工
被申请人: 雇主
ROD案例编号: 88-027 - 1988年9月25日

董事会:Joseph P. 康纳斯,老., Chairman; Paul R. 院长,受托人;
William Miller, Trustee; Donald E. 皮尔斯,小., Trustee; Thomas H. Saggau,受托人.

Pursuant to Article IX of the United Mine Workers of America (“UMWA”) 1950 Benefit Plan and Trust, 并根据美国劳工部授予的豁免授权, the Trustees have reviewed the facts and circumstances of this dispute concerning the provision of health benefits coverage for a Pensioner under the terms 雇主福利计划的成员.


申诉人于9月8日受伤, 1981 while working in a classified position for 被申请人 and as a result of his injury was unable to return to work. The Complainant applied for disability pension benefits under the 1974年退休金计划 in September 1984 and was awarded a 1974 Pension Plan Minimum Disability pension retroactive to October 1, 1981. 投诉人被建议与他最后签署的雇主联系, 被申请人, 关于他是否有资格享受医疗保险. The Complainant states that he has been without coverage since 被申请人 terminated his health benefits coverage in September 1982.

被申请人, 马库斯煤炭公司, 是1981年全国烟煤工资协议(“工资协议”)的签署人. 马库斯煤炭公司也是1984年工资协议的签署国. Information available to the Funds indicates that 马库斯煤炭公司 idled its operations in February 1987. 2月6日, 1987, Beech Hollow Coal Company signed the 1984 Wage Agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding with the UMWA indicating that Beech Hollow Coal Company assumed “all obligations and responsibilities of 马库斯煤炭公司” as its successor. 根据向各皇冠搏彩中心网站提供的资料, 然而, 比奇霍洛煤炭公司从未开始运营.

In April 1987, 马库斯煤炭公司 was sold to new owners and the company resumed operations. 马库斯煤炭公司 under its present ownership became signatory to the 1984 Wage Agreement on April 20, 1987年和1988年7月11日的工资协议, 1988. 马库斯煤炭公司于1990年3月22日停止运营. 皇冠搏彩中心网站已经确定该公司不再营业, and the Complainant has been advised that the Funds will provide health benefits coverage for him and his eligible dependents under the UMWA 1974 Benefit Plan and Trust, 3月23日生效, 1990.


Whether 被申请人 is responsible for providing health benefits coverage for the Complainant as a Pensioner beyond September 1982?


Position of the 原告: 被申请人 is responsible for providing health benefits coverage for the Complainant as a Pensioner.

Position of 被申请人: 被申请人 has not replied to repeated correspondence from Funds’ staff requesting its position in this dispute.


1981年全国烟煤工资协定第20 (c)(3)(i)条, 1984年和1988年的有关部分规定:

(3)(i) Each signatory 雇主 shall establish and maintain an 员工 benefit plan to provide, 通过保险公司实施, health and other non-pension benefits for its 员工s covered by this Agreement as well as pensioners, 1974年养恤金计划和信托皇冠搏彩中心网站, 谁的最后一个签署人曾受雇于该雇主. The benefits provided by the 雇主 to its eligible Participants pursuant to such plans shall be guaranteed during the term of this Agreement by that 雇主 at levels set forth in such plans.




(1) “雇主”指(雇主名称).

(2) “工资协议”系指1981年[1984][1988]《皇冠搏彩中心网站》。, 如不时修订及任何后续协议.

(5) “养老金领取者”系指领取养老金的任何人, 除了(i)根据少于20年的记帐服务领取的递延既得退休金, or (ii) a pension based in whole or in part on years of service credited under the terms of 第二条 & 1974年养恤金计划, 或其任何继承者的任何相应段落, 根据1974年退休金计划(或其任何后续计划), 谁的最后一次机密签署工作是在雇主处, 以本计划第二条B款的规定为准.
第二条. B. (1)雇主福利计划规定:


The persons eligible to receive the health benefits pursuant to 第二条I are as follows:

B. 养老金领取者

Health benefits and life insurance under 第二条I hereof shall be provided to 养老金领取者 as follows:

(1) 任何退休金领取者,在

(a) 根据1974年养恤金计划领取养恤金者的最初退休日期;及

(b) 6月7日, 1981年10月1日, 1984年2月1日, 1988], 都有资格作为养老金领取者享受以下的保险, 并受本计划所有其他条款的约束. 尽管本计划第i(5)条对退休金领取人的定义有(i)及(ii)项规定, any such Pensioner who was eligible for benefits under the 1974 Benefit Plan as a Pensioner on December 5, 1977, 都有资格享受这些福利, 受本计划所有其他条文规限.


1981年第20 (c)(3)(i)条, 1984 and 1988 Wage Agreements requires a signatory 雇主 to establish and maintain an 雇主 Benefit Plan to provide health and other non-pension benefits for its 养老金领取者 谁的最后一个签署人曾受雇于该雇主. 第二条乙. 雇主福利计划的成员 establishes that an individual who is eligible for pension benefits under the 1974 Pension Plan is eligible for health benefits coverage under the 雇主 Benefit Plan, 除了一些与此无关的例外. Inasmuch as the Complainant was awarded a 1974年退休金计划 Minimum Disability pension, he is eligible for health benefits coverage under the 雇主 Benefit Plan established by his last signatory 雇主.

作为投诉人最后一个签字的雇主, 马库斯煤炭公司 is obligated to provide the Complainant with benefits coverage as a Pensioner. Although Beech Hollow Coal Company signed the 1984 Wage Agreement indicating it was a successor to 马库斯煤炭公司 and executed a Memorandum of Understanding expressly agreeing to assume the company’s obligations and responsibilities, 比奇霍洛煤炭公司从未开始运营. 而不是, 马库斯煤炭公司 was sold to new owners in April 1987 and Marcus resumed operations as a signatory to the 1984 Wage Agreement. 因此, the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Beech Hollow Coal Company does not relieve 马库斯煤炭公司 of its obligation to provide benefits under the terms of the Wage Agreement and the 雇主 Benefit Plan.

此外, the sale of 马库斯煤炭公司 to new owners in April 1987 did not absolve the company of its collectively-bargained obligation to provide health benefits coverage to its 养老金领取者. A change in the identity of owners does not affect corporate existence nor the corporation’s debts, 义务或责任. 相应的, 马库斯煤炭公司 remains liable to provide the health benefits coverage required by the Wage Agreement, 符合第二条B款的条款. 雇主福利计划的成员.


被申请人 is responsible for providing health benefits coverage for the Complainant and his eligible dependents beyond September 1982, 与工资协议条款和第二条B一致. 雇主福利计划的成员.