File Download: 88-748



In Re

Complainants: Laid-off and Disabled Employees
Respondent: Employer
ROD Case No: 88-748 – January 8, 1997

Trustees: Thomas F. Connors, Michael H. Holland, Marty D. Hudson and
Robert T. Wallace.


Background Facts

投诉人曾受雇于被投诉人担任机密职位,直至因残疾而被解雇或停止工作. 被告是1988年国家烟煤工资协议(“工资协议”)的签署人,该协议于2月1日到期, 1993. 1993年2月2日,被告被美国煤矿工人联合会(UMWA)罢工。. 答辩人为申诉人预付了30天的医疗保险费.

On March 2, 1993, UMWA与烟煤经营者协会(BCOA)达成协议,从2月2日起延长1988年工资协议的条款, 1993, through May 3, 1993. On March 3, 1993, active Employees returned to work for the Respondent, a BCOA member, and worked through May 3, 1993. 答辩人从1993年3月3日起恢复为申诉人提供医疗福利.

1993年5月3日以后,佤联军有选择地在几个地雷地点袭击了被告. 被申请人终止了受罢工影响的矿区下岗和残疾员工的福利.



Positions of the Parties


Position of the Respondent: The Respondent is only required to advance insurance premiums for the first 30 days of the strike; the Respondent is not required to provide health benefits coverage for the Complainants during the remainder of the strike.

Pertinent Provisions


(3)(i)各签署雇主应建立并维持员工福利计划,以提供, implemented through an insurance carrier(s), 本协议所涵盖的雇员以及领取养老金者的健康和其他非养老金福利, under the 1974 Pension Plan and Trust, 谁的最后一个签署人曾受雇于该雇主. 雇主根据该等计划向其合格参与人提供的福利应在本协议有效期内由该雇主按该等计划规定的水平予以保证. 此类计划还应包括各签署雇主在12月5日之前继续支付死亡抚恤金, 1977, 适用于1974年退休金计划下的已故雇员及退休人员,而其最后签署人的分类工作是受雇于该雇主, 以1974年福利计划和信托先前规定的相同方式和相同金额. 根据本款制定的计划通过引用并入本协议并成为本协议的一部分, 根据这些计划提供的健康和其他非养老金福利的条款和条件应在这些计划中规定.


Article I – Definitions


(1) “Employer” means (Employer’s Name).

(2) “工资协议”指1988年全国烟煤工资协议, as amended from time to time and any successor agreement.

(4) “雇员”系指为雇主从事保密工作的人员, eligible to receive benefits hereunder.

Article III. D. (1)(a),(b) and (2) of the Employer Benefit Plan provides:

D. General Provisions

(1) Continuation of Coverage

(a) Layoff

If an Employee ceases work because of layoff, continuation of health, 人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险的保险范围如下:

Number of Hours Worked for the
Employer in the 24 Consecutive
Calendar Month Period Immediately
Prior to the Employee’s Date Period of Coverage Continuation
Last Worked from the Date Last Worked

2,000 or more hours Balance of month plus 12 months

500 or more but less than
2,000 hours Balance of month plus 6 months

Less than 500 hours 30 days

(b) Disability

Except as otherwise provided in Article II, section C, if an Employee ceases work because of disability, the Employee will be eligible to continue health, 身残时的人寿、意外死亡和肢解保险,以(i)有资格领取疾病和意外福利金的期间较长者为准, 或(ii)上述(a)项附表所列期间.

(2) Advanced Insurance Premiums

在1988年烟煤工资协议到期时发生经济罢工, the Employer will advance the premiums for its health, vision care, 罢工头30天的人身、意外死亡和肢解保险. 这些预付保险费应在这些雇员返回工作岗位时通过支票扣除的方式偿还给雇主. Should a strike continue beyond 30 days, 工会或该等雇员可选择自行支付保费.

Opinion of the Trustees

The Trustees deadlocked on this matter. Trustees Holland and Hudson found for the Complainants. Trustees Connors and Wallace found for the Respondent. 根据1993年《皇冠搏彩中心》通过的审查程序, the matter was referred to a neutral interest arbitrator, Thomas Tomczyk, for resolution. 指示仲裁员从受托人提出的两份意见草案中选择一份. 仲裁员的选择如下所示,作为受托人的意见.

Decision of the Arbitrator

“被投诉人只需要为经济罢工的下岗职工和残疾职工预付30天的保险费, 并且没有义务为这些个人提供持续的保险,费用由雇主承担.”